Posted on 15 April

Largest Satellite Fleet Will Image Earth Every 24 Hours!

Image source: NASA via Planet Labs Planet Labs are launching the largest ever fleet of satellites into space with aim of taking better care of the earth. Planet Labs, operating out of San Francisco, specialise in earth imaging, and this latest news represents the second stage in their plan to create a constellation of satellites […]

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Posted on 26 March

Perth Strata Reforms Leading to Higher Density Living

Perth Strata Reforms The WA Strata Titles Act is set to be reformed in 2015 in a way that will increase the amount of high density living in Perth and surrounding suburbs. The time has come for Perth’s unsustainable urban sprawl to be managed more effectively. With lifestyles changing and desirable land becoming scarcer these […]

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Posted on 13 March

Surveying: The Most Underrated Degree In Australia

If you are considering studying psychology, forget it – choose surveying instead. McCrindle Research has discovered that 9 out of 10 surveying graduates got a full time job and received a median starting salary of $52,000, compared with 63% of psychology graduates who got $47,500. With 2014 building approvals set to continue to rise, the […]

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Posted on 3 March

Key Developer of GIS Passes Away

Roger Tomlinson, widely known as the ‘father of GIS,’ passed away in Mexico on February 7, 2014. Tomlinson created GIS (geographic information system); a collection of computer software which can view, analyse, manage and display geographic data. Learn more about GIS. Being a visionary geographer had its challenges as Tomlinson was keen to share. He […]

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Posted on 12 February

3D Camera Smartphones? Apple is on the Move!

Hold off purchasing the latest smartphone if you can, as speculators are saying that Apple will be introducing a 3D camera into its products from late 2014. With the announcement that Apple is set to buy PrimeSense for a reported $345 million dollars, Apple is most likely looking to further enhance its dominance in the […]

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