Posted on 24 June

Changes to Strata Development, Subdivision & Planning

Changes to Strata: The amended Strata Titles Act 1985 (‘the Act’) took effect in WA on 1 May 2020 The new laws make it clear when the consent of owners is required to change how a scheme is being developed. The laws also make the process more streamlined for developers, which assists with project viability. […]

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Posted on 16 November

Feature Survey For Renovation Collaboration Project

Feature Survey For Renovation… This collaboration is the beginning of great things! Jurovich Surveying, Kre8 Constructions, Arc Seven 1 and The Restoration Project are working together on this project to achieve a common goal. We are providing a feature survey so that the other partners can complete the renovation. More to come! Jurovich Surveying Looking […]

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Posted on 4 October

Bentley Residential Subdivision

Bentley Residential Subdivision In Progress Always exciting for homeowners and for us when services start going in on a residential subdivision! Here we have the plumbers creating a Cut In Junction for the new sewer that will service the newly created rear lot at a property in Bentley. Not long now until Western Power will […]

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Posted on 28 March

Property You Can Buy in Perth vs Sydney & Melbourne

Perth Property Market Compared To Sydney & Melbourne… Influential Perth realtor, Mark Hay, has recently said Perth has the best buyers’ market he’s seen for many years. Offering comparable properties at lower prices than Sydney and Melbourne, property realtors are seeing buyers move from east to the west to take advantage of the lower prices. […]

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Posted on 28 March

Australia’s Best State for Mining Investment Is Still WA

WA Still Australia’s Most Attractive State For Mining Investment… Western Australia has been identified as Australia’s most attractive state for mining investment by the Canadian think-tank the Fraser Institute. The Fraser Institute’s annual survey ranks 104 areas around the world, considering points such as government policies which deter or encourage exploration and geological attractiveness. Jurovich […]

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