Posted on 26 May

Perth Kings Square 6 Twin Towers Proposal

Image: West Australian Newspaper. Perth’s CBD has taken another step forward with the plans for Kings Square 6 being lodged with the Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority. Plans show that this proposed seven staged project will spread over one hectare, including twin apartment towers. 563 Apartments plus Retail With the twin towers having 42 and 48 storeys, […]

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Posted on 22 April

Undersea Drones or Nodes are Next!

Source: DARPA Nonlethal and unmanned drones or nodes which lie at the bottom of the sea for long periods of time, have begun to be researched and developed by the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). They have been named Upward Falling Payloads (UFP). For The Future Designed to stay dormant under the ocean until […]

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Posted on 17 April

$114 Billion Valuation for WA Resources

WA’s recent resource evaluation has given it a value of $114 billion, making it the most valuable state for resources in Australia. This value is lower than 2013’s value, however it’s only lower by less than 1%. Area experts are pleased considering the lower iron ore price and challenging economic events of the past few […]

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Posted on 26 March

Sensory Mapping – The Smells of the City

Say goodbye to viewing old flat paper maps to find your way around the city; according to one map creator… it looks like smelling your way is where we are heading in the future! Smelly Maps Kate McLean, a self-styled olfactory experience designer, is taking maps away from just visual tools and has been creating […]

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Posted on 13 March

GPS & Einstein

Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Einstein are two things that seem so far apart from each other, that they could not possibly have anything in common. But Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, created over 100 years ago actually plays a critical role in our everyday lives. Effect On Time Einstein’s Theory of Relativity refers to both […]

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