Posted on 16 November

Better Buyer Info – Strata Title Act Reform WA 2016

Better Information For Buyers Of Strata Properties The Strata Title Act Reform WA 2016 will provide buyers of strata properties with more detailed information than they could previously access. Key Points Currently strata buyers cannot access information digitally, they are unable to know how much money is in the strata company’s administration fund and the […]

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Posted on 30 September

Uluru – First Drone Footage Released

Stunning Uluru Drone Video This is the first drone footage of Uluru. An amazing never before seen view of this iconic sandstone monolith in Australia’s red centre. This video is the first of its type officially authorised by the land’s traditional owners, the Yankunytjatjara and Pitjantjatjara people. In less than two minutes, you’ll see the […]

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Posted on 9 September

Resolving Strata Disputes – Strata Title Act Reform WA 2016

Resolving Strata Disputes Will Be Simpler The Strata Title Act Reform WA 2016 will simplify the process undertaken during resolution disputes. Currently the Act allows for disputes to be heard in one of four forums and this causes confusion for owners. Reformed Strata Dispute Process The reforms will allow: The State Administrative Tribunal (SAT) to […]

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Posted on 30 August

Improved Management – Strata Title Act Reform WA 2016

Improved Management of Strata WA’s Strata Title Act reform has brought in several key ways in which the management of strata will be significantly easier. Key Changes To Management Of Strata Strata managers will be held accountable By-law enforcement will be easier Scheme maintenance will be improved Management processes will be simplified Video Summary Of […]

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Posted on 12 August

Leasehold Strata Schemes – Strata Title Act Reform WA 2016

Introducing Leasehold Strata The WA 2016 Strata Title Act Reform will introduce many new types of strata, including leasehold strata. Video Summary Of the Leasehold Strata Scheme Source: Landgate A Type Of Fixed Strata Leasehold strata is actually a type of fixed strata with a fixed term of anywhere between 20 and 99 years. It […]

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