Photo by Dan Winters for The New York Times
Google not only dominates our searches online but is also set to dominate the online map markets.
But aren’t they there already?
Apparently not and they were not actually the first company to begin mapping our lives, towns and countries, but were the first to create interactive maps. According to Luc Vincent who manages all the images on Google Maps, “Africa and much of Asia are big holes right now.”
So Google is wanting to fill in all these blank spaces because they believe the future points towards maps being one of the single most important features of technology upon which everything hinges.
Called location-awareness, it is thought that future technologies will need to be able to pinpoint the exact location of all of our personal property. Our smartphones are already doing this to a degree – after all they can pinpoint where they are on a map already!
Jurovich Surveying
We aren’t busy mapping the entire world but we are very busy surveying and mapping much of Western Australia. To talk to us about your commercial or residential surveying needs, please contact us.
See Jurovich Surveying on Google Maps.
Google even snapped one of our guys surveying a property near Perth. Lucky it didn’t catch him during morning tea.
For more information about Google’s plan of map domination, please see this New York Times article.
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